Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Assignment 3 for CLS325 Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Assignment 3 for CLS325 - Coursework Example This paper attempts to present the strengths and weaknesses of the two methods. The text-centered method of analyzing culture is considered as imperative in studying social context. Norman Fairclough explains that the theoretical basis for this concept is based on the fact that text itself is the product of people’s perspectives on the society in which they belong. He also points out that â€Å"texts constitute a major source of evidence for grounding claims about social, structures, relations and processes.† (209) In relation to the aforementioned points, it is, therefore, clear that texts serve as effective means of achieving a profound understanding of culture and society. On the other hand, these also serve as powerful instruments of shaping or influencing culture and society, in general, as well. However, there is an apparent weakness in just limiting the analysis of culture and society according to what the text provides. The text itself may not be able to provide an accurate impression unless this is related to the actual conditions that surround it. According to Urpo Kovala, â€Å"the first characteristic of cultural analysis of texts†¦ is that textual analysis be contextual.† (Cultural Studies and Cultural Text Analysis) It is by getting a more comprehensive picture, which may include knowing the author of the text and the personal and social conditions which he or she is in, that a better appreciation of the textual work produced is achieved. The text should, therefore, not be taken as it is but should be related to the context in which it was made. In this regard, its relevance or irrelevance should be understood through the reception of the readers or the receivers. Otherwise, textualism or the text-centered method could be outright weak. The weakness of the text-centered method of analyzing culture is that it tends to be detached from other conditions that may actually be related to the text itself. By merely relying on th e text and disregarding the other aspects that may have influenced its deliverer or creator, analysis becomes vulnerable to one-sidedness and, ultimately, inaccuracy. The reaction of the audience, which is important in determining the practical relevance of the text, also tends to be disregarded when making a text-centered analysis. This inherent weakness of textualism is the reason why Douglas Kellner suggests three aspects to consider in employing a text-centered method in analyzing culture. These are the â€Å"production and political economy of culture; textual analysis and critique of its artifacts; and a study of audience reception and the uses of media/cultural products.† (Kellner 8) All three must be taken into consideration when analyzing culture using the text-centered method. It must be noted that Kellner already mentions the significance of audience impression. Therefore, in an attempt to overcome the weakness of the text-centered method, some concerns that center s on the audience has to be applied. Hence, the method actually loses its being absolutely text-centered. In New Keywords: The Revised Vocabulary of Culture and Society, Terry Threadgold correctly sumps up the point that â€Å"the text is engage in a continuous play of meaning across the field on intertextuality†¦ at the very least, the meaning is mobile, dispersed, and plural, since any text is always subject to the incessant movement of recontextualization.†

Monday, February 10, 2020

Developing an Integrated SLA Theory Research Paper

Developing an Integrated SLA Theory - Research Paper Example on this theory, Second language acquisition is mainly concerned the process of acquiring a new language other than the inborn language and how the process is affected by other disciplines such as the social-cultural theories. The theory offers a clear reflection from a new perception, on some of the challenges that people face during new language acquisition. It offers some pedagogical suggestions for foreign linguistic teaching. However according to Moore and Kearsly (1996), foreign language educators ought to maintain three types of interactions: learner- content, learner-tutor and learner-learner. According to Krashen’s theory on second language acquisition, comprehensible input and interactions are crucial. Interactions facilitate practice that has the advantage of enhancing the acquisition and fluency of the foreign language. This paper makes attempts to expound Social-Cultural Theory’s paradigms, its influence on second language acquisition and the tutorial sugges tions for foreign language coaching (Vygotsky, 1978). An overview of main second language acquisition theories that reveal that advance of the concepts of comprehensible input, understandable output, and interactions are significant in the second language acquisition. Many theories contain diverse views on the ways of ensuring interactions and the role it plays in the second language acquisition. Krashen’s theory (1985, 1994) has since becoming the most predominant theory in the acquisition of a second language and teaching exercise. According to the theory, SLA is determined by the extent of the compressible input during teaching. It asserts that the one-way contribution in the second language that is not only understandable but also at the level is just beyond the existing language proficiency of learners. The theory asserts that the prediction upon which learners acquire the notions of the second language relays of the method they get and understand the messages. Krashen’s (1994) offers